1 To set their hearts on God,
to walk in holy ways:
in making such a start as this
all blessings shall be theirs.

2 The bridegroom and the bride,
the husband and the wife,
the growing circle of their home:
here is the happy life!

3 Around the table, joy;
in every room be peace:
at going out and coming in
give love the pride of place.

4 God grant to young and old
faith's riches, wisdom's health;
for you and yours, and us and ours,
long fruitfulness, true wealth.

5 All praises be to God!
From God all mercies flow;
all blessings Nazareth once knew
let every family know!

Christopher Idle from Psalm 128
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 1083805