1 To the Lord I looked in patience
from the darkest pit of clay,
for he daily proves his mercy,
hears my call from far away.
And I tell the great assembly
of his goodness night and day.

2 For the Lord I waited, trusting;
then he turned his loving eye,
gently lifted me to safety
on the rock secure and high.
And a hymn of praise he gave me
I shall sing it till I die:

3 O how blest, my God and Saviour,
we who trust your mighty hand!
O how many are the wonders
which for us your love has planned!
So shall all who seek and find you
sing your praise through all the land.

After Psalm 40, Paul Wigmore (born 1925)
© Paul Wigmore/Jubilate Hymns
8 7 8 7 8 7 Trochaic

CCL# 4050890