1 We have not walked these paths before, 
nor viewed the scenes that meet our eyes; 
what fresh perspectives are in store, 
horizons hard to recognise 
that catch our breath with swift surprise.

2 New sounds, new songs excite our ears, 
new needs are stretching heart and mind, 
unknown sensations, joys or fears; 
as passing fashions fall behind, 
what words, what wonders shall we find? 

3 And God, who formed the ancient dust 
and wove the tapestry of space,
is far beyond, and wise and just, 
yet walks beside us at our pace; 
such is the mystery, such the grace. 

4 This much we know: here Jesus stood, 
and finished what he came to do, 
for all he did was wholly good 
and all he said was fully true, 
and what he makes is always new. 

5 For though our knowledge is but small, 
our faltering wisdom, feebler still, 
he lives, who made and knows us all, 
who met our evils, bore our ill, 
and beckons from the misty hill.

Metre: 8 8 8 8 8 
Suggested tune: FEN MEADOW (Rev Michael Booker)

words © Christopher Idle / Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd
part of the podcast series: 30 Hymns: Christopher Idle with Lance & Sue Pierson

CCL# 3818253