1 We walk this path, the path of light, 
where truth illuminates the way; 
it banishes the darkest gloom 
and signals the approaching day 
when those who made the light their own 
are welcomed at the Saviour’s throne. 

2 We walk this path, the path of life, 
whose rich abundance knows no end: 
the deep contentment shared by all 
whom God accepts as child and friend; 
for even death cannot destroy 
this gift the saints of God enjoy. 

3 And walking on this path we hear
the call to listen and to learn: 
to seek the Spirit’s prompting word 
and take the route our hearts discern 
as through the passing days we grow 
more like the God whose voice we know. 

4 We walk this path, the path of love, 
the way of servant-hearted care, 
with Christ’s own generosity 
the model for the life we share, 
until, our pilgrim journey past, 
we rest in love, in God, at last. 

Alternative tune: SURREY
Metre: 8 8 8 8 8 8

words © Martin Leckebusch / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd