We come to you, the crucified,
because you gave your life away
to save us from deceit and pride
and set our feet on heaven's way.
And in our hearts you place a joy
which nothing, no-one can destroy.

We worship you, our mighty King,
no longer victim on the cross -
you rose from death, removed its sting
and gained the victory for us,
receiving at your Father's word
the highest name, eternal Lord.

We call to you, our great High Priest,
for you ascended to his throne.
We grasp the hand which nails once pierced
and dare to make our pleadings known.
We only feebly voice our needs,
yet still your Spirit intercedes.

We're looking forward to the hour
when with your angels you will come,
in all your majesty and power,
and bring us safely to your home.
Lord Jesus, lift our spirits up
and fill the church you love with hope!

Emma Turl
© Emma Turl / admin. The Jubilate Group
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Suggested tune: Castle Hedingham (Gill Berry)

CCL# 5356531