We give you praise, O God
1 We give you praise, O God,
You are alone the Lord
The whole earth worships You
The Father evermore.
2 To You the heavens sing
The saints throughout all time
The church the world around
One voice they praise Your Name.
3 Jesus, our glorious King,
The Son, the Saviour, Christ,
Who, to redeem us all,
Our manhood boldly took.
4 The pain of death You bore
The realm of heaven restored
That all who now believe
Should find therein their home.
5 You sit at God's right hand,
The Father's glory share.
And we believe that You
Will come to judge the earth.
6 Then help us now, O Lord,
Redeemed with precious blood,
To stand among Your saints,
In glory without end.
7 We worship You each day,
Keep us this day from sin,
Have mercy on us, Lord;
Our trust is fixed in You.
Janice Wilson (born 1940)
© Janice Wilson/Jubilate Hymns
6 6 6 6 Iambic