We praise you, O Father
1 We praise You O Father,
acknowledge You to be the King,
all the world shall worship You,
to You all angels sing.
'Holy, holy, holy,'
the multitudes of heaven cry,
'Glory of our Father fills
'the earth and sea and sky.'
2 Disciples of Jesus
and men who dared to preach for You,
men who died while fighting evil
join the chorus too:
'Father, Son and Spirit,
in majesty, O Lord most high!'
Sings your church, acknowledging
the glorious Trinity.
3 Majestic in glory,
O Christ, eternal Son, who came,
not repelled by human birth,
your people to reclaim.
Bitter death is vanquished,
believers You are welcoming
to the throne of God the Father
where You sit as King.
4 Great Judge of all people,
who heard Your saints of great renown,
hear the prayer of blood - bought servants;
may we share their crown.
Father, keep Your children
who on Your mercy daily call,
look on us who trust You wholly,
never let us fall.
Michael Perry (1942-1996) after Te Deum
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
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