(After Psalm 143)

1 When opposition drags me down
and shrouds me in despair
Lord - as deliverer, not as judge -
come, listen to my prayer.
When I recall your blessings past,
poured out like welcome rain,
then - like a dusty, barren land -
I thirst for you again.

2 Hurry to answer when I seek
for help in my distress:
don't hide your face, but keep me safe
from utter wretchedness.
Show me your love when morning breaks,
and let me be assured
you will protect and strengthen me,
secure in you, O Lord.

3 You have a path for me to take,
a purpose to fulfil;
you are my refuge, righteous God,
though dangers threaten still.
So as your Spirit, faithful guide,
makes clear what I should do -
turning from evil, let me find
true peace in serving you.

Emma Turl

© Emma Turl, admin. The Jubilate Group
Metre / Suggested tune: 8 6 8 6 D (DCM) / RACHEL (Bowater, arr. Noel Tredinnick)



CCL# 7247362