When we face a hostile world
1 When we face a hostile world,
God, draw near: reveal your power;
if we find ourselves ensnared
rescue us from danger's hour.
When your people suffer wrong,
falsely charged and put to shame,
rise to set the righteous free,
let the accusers take the blame.
2 When, like dogs, tormenters prowl,
snarling to awaken fear,
lashing out with murderous threats,
thinking no-one else can hear:
guard your servants, let them watch
from your high, secure retreat,
sheltered till the troubles pass
and deliverance is complete.
3 When iniquity is purged
and the proud oppressors fall,
then your right to judge and rule
shall be recognised by all.
Gracious God, our hiding-place,
help us each to sing your praise;
may your strength and steadfast love
keep us safe through anxious days.
After Psalm 59
words © Emma Turl/ Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd