1 When Israel was young, you loved him,
from Egypt you called your son;
but now all the more you call him
the further your child has gone:
our God, you will not desert us
for you are the Holy One!
2 As babes in your arms you brought us
before we could understand;
we grew it was you who taught us,
we walked and you held our hand:
our God, you will not desert us;
you seek us in every land.
3 The reins of your love have led us,
without you we could not move;
you bent down to help, and fed us,
you lifted us high above:
our God, you will not desert us,
your heart is ablaze with love!
4 Though once we refused to have you
and trusted deceit and lies,
and called to the empty shadows
that never could hear our cries:
our God, you will not desert us;
O Lord, in your love arise!
Christopher Idle from Hosea 11
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
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