1 When Jesus walked upon this earth
his word was peace;
he spoke of fellowship with God,
he brought the prisoners release;
and all his caring
witnessed to his peaceful word.
2 When Jesus walked upon this earth
his touch was grace;
they came with stretcher, and with crutch
from east and west to seek his face;
and all his healing
witnessed to his gracious touch.
3 When Jesus walked upon this earth
his heart was love;
he came to take the humblest part,
among the penitent to move;
and all his serving
witnessed to his loving heart.
4 When Jesus walked upon this earth
they named him 'King';
to fight demonic powers he came
and bring his glorious kingdom in:
let all our praising
witness to his kingly name!
Michael Perry (1942 - 1996)
© Mrs B Perry/Jubilate Hymns
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