When tides of judgment rise at last
1 When tides of judgment rise at last
and days of grace have surely passed,
in vain we break from sleep and trance;
too late to plead for second chance.
God's warning signs in every age
appear throughout the sacred page.
2 By faith, when warned of things not seen
when sin was rife and hearts unclean
an ark was formed to ride the flood
of final wrath, and spare our blood.
But all despised the preacher's word;
his faith condemns a world unstirred.
3 Yet still God spoke through Gospel sign,
through rainbow, blood and family line,
the rock of law, the way of grace,
and messengers who'd seen Christ's face.
But seers were killed and preachers scorned;
have mercy on the world you warned!
4 For as it was in Noah's day,
the Son of Man with lightning ray
will come at last to judge the earth;
his Cross alone provides safe berth.
Oh may we hold this message fast,
before the day of grace has passed!
Richard T Bewes (born 1934)
© Richard Bewes/Jubilate Hymns Ltd
88 88 88
Author's Recommended Tune: MELITA