1 Why do the heathen conspire?
Peoples are plotting in vain!
Kings of the nations declare
Against God and His own Anointed One:
'Break all their bonds asunder,
Let us be free from their chains'.

2 He who is sitting in heaven
Laughs them to scorn, as the Lord.
He will address them in wrath
And they fear as they listen to His words:
'I have set up my true King,
He is on My Holy hill.'

3 This is the word from the Lord
He told me 'You are My son:
Ask of Me and I will make
All the nations of earth Your heritage.
Your iron rod will break them
And they will shatter like a vase.'

4 Now therefore, kings of the earth,
Think and take warning from this.
Serve Him with trembling and fear
Kneeling down to Him as the Lord of lords.
All who ignore Him perish
Blest are all those who trust in Him.

Michael Baughen (born 1930)
© Michael Baughen/Jubilate Hymns
7 7 7 10 7 8 Irregular

CCL# 1596402