1 Why do the nations all defy
The LORD and his anointed Son?
'Throw off their yoke,' they vainly cry,
'And let us tread their kingdom down!'
2 The Lord, enthroned above the skies,
Surveys with scorn their reckless path;
He speaks with fury in his eyes
And terrifies them in his wrath.
3 Hear the decree the LORD has made:
'I call you my eternal Son;
Throughout the world your rule shall spread
From Zion's holy hill, your throne.
4 'Ask now of me, and you shall take
As yours the nations near and far;
Rebels you shall be swift to break
And shatter like an earthen jar.'
5 Be wise, then, you that rule on earth,
Obey and serve the sovereign LORD;
Worship his Son of heavenly birth
And learn to tremble at his word.
6 In homage bow before his throne:
Should he but frown, you surely die;
Happy are those, and those alone,
Who on his promised grace rely.
Psalm 2, David G. Preston based on Isaace Watts (1674 - 1748)
© D.G. Preston/Jubilate Hymns