1 Will we see Christ within the eyes 
of those enslaved by debt? 
Will we commit ourselves to help, 
ensuring needs are met? 
For we are called to share his grace, 
restoring dignity. 
Will we remember Jesus lived
and died in poverty? 

2 Will we defend the refugee 
with nowhere else to turn? 
Discern another’s plight, and make 
their welfare our concern? 
Will we speak peace to anxious hearts 
and hope to the reviled? 
Will we remember Jesus fled 
to Egypt as a child? 

3 Will we make space for all who doubt
and struggle to believe,
or listen to the anguished cries
as people mourn and grieve?
And will we comfort minds beset
by hurt or misery?
Will we remember Jesus spoke
and calmed the raging sea?
4 Will we display compassion, like 
the Good Samaritan, 
who set aside all prejudice 
to help a wounded man? 
Dare we reflect Christ's perfect love 
in all we say and do? 
Will we remember, this is how 
we welcome Jesus too?

Fiona Lloyd

CCL# 7184942