Your words bring life - eternal life
1 Your words bring life – eternal life;
to whom else shall we go?
When all around is storm and strife
your calming voice we know.
2 Lord, open now our hearts and eyes,
reveal your power today,
and in our weakness make us wise
to follow in your way.
3 O give us ears that we may hear
your call to serve like you,
then grant us grace, lest we appear
to hear but not to do.
4 The scripture moves us all to speak
and live in purity,
to share good news, uphold the weak
and set the captives free.
5 We come to you, the living word,
to hear the truth anew.
Then send us, changed by all we’ve heard,
to speak and act for you.
Alternative tune: CONTEMPLATION
words © Geoff Lyon / Jubilate
administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd