1 Your kingdom come! On bended knee
through passing years we pray:
all faithful people long to see
on earth that kingdom's day.

2 The hours of waiting through the night
no less to God belong;
the stars declare the eternal right
and shame the creature's wrong.

3 And there already in the skies
the dawn's first rays appear:
you prophets of our God, arise,
proclaim the day is near:

4 The day in whose clear shining light
the Lord shall stand revealed,
and every wrong be turned to right,
and every hurt be healed,

5 When justice joined with truth and peace
make straight the Saviour's road:
the day of perfect righteousness,
the promised day of God!

Michael Perry (Word and Music) (1942-1996) version of Thy Kingdom come, on bended knee, Frederick L Hosmer
© Word and Music/Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 994586