All our scores allow unlimited copies for personal and church use, subject to these conditions.

You may make unlimited copies of any of our scores, subject to the following conditions:

  • All usage of the score must be covered by copyright permission. If you have a CCLI Licence, please simply report your usage in the normal way. For other usage, please contact our copyright manager
  • All duplicates of copies of the score must also be covered by a Mechanical Rights Licence (MRL) provided by CCLI. If you have one of these, please simply report your usage in the normal way. For other usage, please contact our copyright manager
  • Score PDF files may not be distributed globally in any format, but especially not electronically, whether via email, web sharing, or hosting on a website. You may email copies of the score to members of your music group, or put them on a private shared resource website, but only within your organisation.
  • You may only make copies of the score for, and re-distribute the copies to, members of the group for which it was purchased, whether a church, choir or other group. You may not pass copies of the score (in printed or electronic format) to other groups. Rather, you should direct members of other groups to Jubilate so they can buy their own licensed copy of the score.
CCL# 7142930