1 Christ on whom the Spirit rested
lived as one who cared for all;
by the watching crowds attested:
'This man has done all things well!'
God's own grace
on his face
blessing us with heavenly peace.

2 Swift the promised Spirit filled them:
rushing wind and tongues of flame;
now the master's presence thrilled them,
made them bold to preach his name,
bringing light,
day and night,
helping them to judge aright.

3 True and living God, your Spirit
brought creation to its birth;
with your help the meek inherit
all the treasures of the earth:
all things new
flow from you,
pure and beautiful and true.

4 Spirit of the Son and Father,
come to us with power today!
every life in fulness enter,
all your gifts in us set free:
all our days
let us raise
songs of gratitude and praise!

© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns
8 7 8 7 3 3 7

CCL# 878640