1 Let all the righteous to the Lord
their joyful voices raise!
How right that they should play and sing
to him new songs of praise!
For faithful are his word and works,
beyond all human worth;
the Lord loves what is right and just,
his goodness fills the earth.

2 The heavens and all their host were made
by his all-powerful word;
at his command the seas appeared
and in the deep are stored.
Let all the earth in awe and fear
before him bow the knee:
the Lord, at whose direct command
creation came to be.

3 The Lord confounds the nations' pride,
he foils what they had planned,
but his designs and purposes
they never shall withstand.
O happy nation, then, in which
the Lord as God is known,
called forth by sovereign grace to be
a people of his own.

4 From heaven the Lord sees humankind:
all live within his view;
and he who forms the hearts of all
considers all they do.
An army cannot save a king
despite its strength and speed;
the Lord sees those who trust in him
to save in time of need.

5 We wait with patience for the Lord:
he is our help and shield;
and he has given our hearts a joy
which cannot be concealed.
Our trust is in his holy name:
O Lord, our lives endue
for ever with your steadfast love
even as we hope in you.

David G Preston (born 1939) based on a metrical psalm by Nicholas Brady (1659 - 1726) and Nahum Tate (1652 - 1715) from Psalm 33
© David Preston/Jubilate Hymns Ltd

CCL# 3344198