1) Entries should be English language Christian hymns/songs on the given theme.

2) Entries should be received by midnight Wednesday 30 April 2025 (BST) in order to considered for the collection.

3) Entries may be by single or multiple authors, but the contact details for the account used to make the submission will be used for all correspondence.

4) For the purposes of this project, hymns/songs should be: 

  • a standalone text with a metrical scheme, or 
  • a text with a metrical scheme, with 
    a melody suitable for congregational singing; and
    a clear harmonic structure, either through scored parts or chords, or
  • new music to existing Jubilate words (new music to public domain words may also be considered)

No specific stylistic boundaries will be imposed, other than those named above.

5) A maximum of three hymns may be submitted per entrant.

6) Complete hymns should be submitted both as an independent text and a PDF score. 

  • only original tunes may be submitted as a score. If an existing tune is recommended it can be indicated in the 'Recommended Tune' field on the submission form.
  • The score may be computer generated or handwritten but must be legible in order to be considered.
  • The score should have text interlined within the staves.
  • The minimum required is a melody line with chords above.
  • A maximum of two arrangements may used within the same score (eg standard verses & descant verse; or piano accompaniment and 4-part harmony verse); entrants should refrain from scoring each verse separately but instead use stacked lyrics within the staves.
  • An audio mp3 file can also be submitted - this is optional. We are unable to accept video-recordings.

7) Entries can be edited and changed by the author after submission, up until the closing date.

8) Entries may be withdrawn, up until the closing date.

Editorial Process & Selection

9) Hymns will be evaluated anonymously. To preserve anonymity, the name of the composer and author of the hymn should appear only on the entry form and not on the copies submitted.

10) All entries will be first reviewed by the Jubilate editorial panels. Those selected for the shortlist will be subject to editorial amendments as recommended by the editors. It will be a requirement of shortlisting that necessary revisions are made to the satisfaction of the editorial panel, within the supplied deadlines.

11) In the case of a complete hymn, Jubilate reserves the right to accept the text only and pair it with another tune when publishing.

12) Works are only eligible for consideration if the writer and any co-writers (all the owners of the work) are able and willing to sign a publishing agreement with Jubilate Hymns Ltd (JHL) for the work, if selected. We are primarily looking for unpublished works, but previously published works will be considered if the writers are free to assign the work to JHL and if the work has only been self-promoted by the writers. Full details of any previous publication must be included in the relevant section of the submission. A copy of the JHL publishing agreement can be found here.

13) Jubilate reserves the right to cancel the project in the unlikely event of there being too few entries of a sufficient quality.

14) It will not be possible to enter into detailed correspondence regarding hymns outside the shortlist.