1 Be in our midst, and gather us together,
and let your loving-kindness be our guide;
help us discern your image in each other,
and walk with humble footsteps by your side.
Send us to work, O Lord, Almighty Giver,
till all who thirst and hunger now are filled;
let justice thunder like a mighty river,
that every storm of strife and conflict may be stilled. 

2 When all the world’s great sorrows overtake us,
and we are crushed by centuries of pain,
grant us your strength, and lovingly remake us
that by your grace we may be whole again.
And when the sins of passing generations
make all the wounds of history still feel raw,
send out your healing power among the nations,
and fill this broken earth with heaven’s peace once more.

3 Grant us that peace beyond the mind’s discerning;
help us to live the truth that sets us free.
And may the Spirit’s fire within us burning
help us become who we are called to be.
In eager longing for your new creation,
a world reshaped by love and hope and grace,
with Christ the Prince of Peace as our foundation,
we’ll build your kingdom now, in this and every place. 

words © Ally Barrett / Jubilate
admin. Jubilate Hymns Ltd