1 For these many fruitful years,
Lord, we bring you thanks and praise;
for the laughter and the tears
and the joy of settled days:
Love, which binds the Trinity,
Hold us, keep us, constantly.
2 Thanks for family gathered here
in whose circle we belong,
source of energy and cheer
joining with our grateful song:
Love which binds the Trinity . . .
3 Thanks for friends with whom we walk,
thinking vexing problems through -
time fast-flying while we talk
of adventures old and new:
Love which binds the Trinity . . .
4 Thanks for depths of faith we share
and for difference we respect;
burdens we find strength to bear,
blessings we dared not expect:
Love which binds the Trinity . . .
5 Thanks for home's wide-open door
off'ring hospitality.
Many an angel, to be sure,
will have kept us company:
Love which binds the Trinity . . .
6 So: for all that has been, Thanks!
And for what shall yet be, Yes!
Lord, for what's awaiting us,
set our hearts on steadfastness:
Love which binds the Trinity . . .
David Mowbray (b.1938)
© David Mowbray, admin. The Jubilate Group
7 7 7 7 77
Suggested tune: ENGLAND'S LANE
In v1 line 1, "many" can be changed to "twenty", "thirty", "forty" etc if appropriate.
V6 lines 1-2 are from a quotation by Dag Hammarsjkold (Markings, Faber & Faber, 1964), p87