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Showing 25 song matches for 'gifts of God'
Ascended Christ, who gained
Christopher Idle
Attend, all heaven and earth
Christopher Idle
Before they leave the upper room
Christopher Idle
Bless all who trust in God
David Mowbray
For all your boundless gifts
David Mowbray
From you all skill and science flow
Michael Perry
Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake
James Seddon
How good a thing it is
James Seddon
If the building is not of the Lord
David Wilson
I will exalt you, God, my King
Christopher Idle
Let God arise! His enemies, be gone
Christopher Idle
My God, now is your table spread
[Modernised Version]
Open the gates of righteousness
David Mowbray
Overflow with joy and gladness
Michael Saward
O master Christ, draw near to take
David Mowbray
Ring aloud the Christmas bells
Martin Leckebusch
Ring out the bells and let the people know
Michael Perry
See, amid the winter snow
[Modernised Version]
Sing merrily to God
David Mowbray
Skills and abilities, knowledge and artistry
Brian Hoare
The majesty of mountains
Michael Perry
To Christ who once this supper made
Christopher Idle
Unless the Lord has built the house
David Mowbray
When at the door, as darkness falls
David Mowbray
When life is painful, where we stand
Barbara Woollett
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'gifts of God'