Search Results
Showing 14 song matches for 'peace, personal'
As daylight fades (Evensong)
Geraldine Luce, Carey Luce
As I hold out my hand
Geoff Twigg
Bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in your life
Michael Baughen
How we long to find peace through the Lord our God
Christopher Porteous
Jesus, priceless treasure
[Modernised Version]
Like a mighty river flowing
Michael Perry
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
[Modernised Version]
Not the grandeur of the mountains
Michael Perry
Our God has made his covenant new
Christopher Idle
Overflow with joy and gladness
Michael Saward
O God, defender of the poor
Christopher Idle
Suffering Christ, uplifted high
David Mowbray
The Christ of whom the gospels tell
David Mowbray
You will keep him in perfect peace
Norman Warren
Showing 5 liturgy matches for 'peace, personal'