1 How the enigma of holiness beckons!
God comes among us, a baby so small:
wondering angels exult in amazement;
faith recognises the Maker of all.

2 Who would have dreamed of such unlikely splendour?
He is the light all the world needs to see;
he is the message of hope for the nations,
giving the prisoners the chance to be free.

3 How could he yield to so grievous an outrage,
murdered by those he intended to save?
Here is the love that has suffered and conquered,
stronger than death, and the scourge of the grave.

4 See how the Spirit directs us to Jesus,
shows us the truth, and compels us to choose:
he is our future, for promise or judgement -
who will confess him, and who will refuse?

5 Christ reads our hearts and uncovers their secrets;
his is the word that is sharp as a knife:
Surgeon of souls that are yearning for comfort,
gently he wounds to restore us to life.

6 How the enigma of holiness beckons -
joys that are ours from the pathways of pain -
manger and cross, resurrection and glory:
God comes among us to suffer and reign.

Martin E. Leckebusch
© Martin E. Leckebusch, admin. The Jubilate Group
11 10 11 10
Suggested tunes: EPIPHANY HYMN

CCL# 5781522