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Showing 25 song matches for 'commitment'
Come, O long-expected Jesus
Charles Wesley / Jubilate Hymns
Dear Father, I adore you
Brian Hoare
Father, Saviour, Holy Spirit, God who numbers all our days
Christopher Idle
Forgiven by the Lord
Emma Turl
In your world your kingdom come, O Lord
Simon Bray
I waited patiently for the Lord
Michael Baughen
Lord, guide us as we navigate
Emma Turl
Lord, you see our troubled nation
Derek Baldwin
Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
Emma Turl
Our chief inspiration, our primary purpose
Christopher Idle
Our Father God, Creator, Lord
Derek Baldwin
O I have heard the gospel told
Hilary Jolly
O Lord, I bring myself to you
Barbara Woollett
Thanks be to God for his most holy Son
Michael Saward
The kingdom of the living God has come
Michael Saward
The wise may bring their learning
[Modernised Version]
Today, Lord, let my eyes and ears
Martin Leckebusch
To God, my soul I now commit
John Miller
We are rocking on our camels along the desert way
Peter Ratcliffe
We tread in their footsteps where prophets have trod
Richard Bewes
What he wants me, he can make me
Norman Warren
When opposition drags me down
Emma Turl
When things began to happen
Michael Saward
Which way are you choosing, the narrow or broad?
Richard Bewes
You worked a wonder in me
Judy Davies
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'commitment'