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Showing 38 song matches for 'God'
All-creating heavenly giver
Michael Saward
Babylon by the rivers of sorrow
Michael Perry
Bless the Lord, created things
Judy Davies
Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus
Christopher Idle
Bless the Lord, our fathers' God
Christopher Idle
Give thanks for the gifts and give praise to the giver
Christopher Idle
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven!
Christopher Idle
God is our strength and refuge
Richard Bewes
God is present by his Spirit
Brian Black
God of every tribe and nation
Christopher Idle
God our Father and creator
Christopher Idle
God our Father, bless your people
Michael Perry
God our shepherd, bless your people
Michael Perry
God save our gracious King
[Modernised Version]
Great is the Lord we now acclaim
David Mowbray
Holy Lord and Father
Christopher Idle
How great is God almighty and how worthy to be praised
Richard Bewes
How we thank you, Jesus, Saviour
Emma Turl
In God the Father's plan
Christopher Idle
I believe in God the Father who created heaven
Michael Perry
I bind myself to God today
[Modernised Version]
Let creation bless the Father
David Mowbray
Let me now depart in peace
Michael Perry
Master, we lift our eyes expecting
David Mowbray
Moon and bright sun, wind and white cloud
Christopher Idle
My Lord of light who made the worlds
Christopher Idle
Our Father God, we marvel now
David Mowbray
O Christ our God, before your cross
Michael Saward
O Trinity, O Trinity, the uncreated One
Michael Saward
Sing glory to God the Father
Michael Saward
Spirit of God who dwells within
Brian Black
Take heart and praise our God
David Mowbray
The dance of the stars in burning glory
Christopher Idle
The Lord who made the mountains
Christopher Idle
The majesty of mountains
Michael Perry
To God's loving kindness
Michael Perry
We believe in God almighty, maker
David Mowbray
We praise you, O Father
Michael Perry
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'God'